Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Square One

I hope this might be useful to somebody out there and I hope it's not too boring. I absolutely love this music thing and am super excited to be on the brink of this experience. Still in front of me though is the creation of every single music track in these 250 songs as well as setting up the effects for all those instrument tracks as well as all my vocals. Obviously, there will be a lot recorded into Real Band, especially base and drums. Otherwise, I will be creating as much as possible live. Background voices will always be recorded but will be created by me but most harmony voices will be created live by my Voicemaster box. Almost all Beatle songs will use this technique. If a background voice occurs at a different time than the lead voice and if I can possibly sing it myself, I will do that. I have two mics going into different equipment and effects processors so that I can move over two inches and sing into the other mic.
I will be recording all my songs for my website on a Yamaha AW4416 using 8 tracks. I expect to be able to feed these 8 tracks into my equipment for sound checks and adjusting the placement of my equipment in different venues. I have 12 speakers for 5 music channels and 2 voice channels. Four of these are huge at over 100 pounds each. My first gig will undoubtedly take two hours to deliver and set up my stuff. Hopefully, it will get faster as I go. I built a 10'x16' studio in my back yard to simulate my stage and I hope that helps me to get used to where everything goes. I want this blog to chronicle my progress and maybe drive me a little. My last task is to finish building my mixer. You can look on my website Photo page if you want to know more about it.

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